Friday, April 1, 2011

2nd April 2011-mY First Post in mY Fabulous BloG!

Today is Just Saturday April 2, 2011. As usual i can't wait for Saturday & Sunday,well you know that,right! Weekend mode! Time to go for Movie, can wake up late, cleaning the house,washing a car,shopping,singing,cooking,traveling and etc!etc! A lot of thing that we can do in weekend and the most important thing can rest in our home sweet home or our room sweet room! Oh God! Feel so Good! Life is so Fabulous!! (^_^) and today as usual i wake up a bit late, and doing some housekeeping before going out this afternoon to Mid Valley accompany my friend to see his favourite baby,Nikon at Mid Valley Exhibition Center.May be will join some contest at the event, who know may be got chance to win a Great products from Nikon! Huat~Huat ah!! and today morning i received a phone call from PABM (Pertandingan Pidato Antarabangsa Malaysia) organizer informed that they will deliver my new Dell net book to me that i have won last 3 weeks ago by today...yes!yes! Happy! Happy!! Can't wait for it! Now i have to 2 Net book! I hope that there will be more exciting & good news come to me everyday! Thanks to God for the Give of the great a Fabulous life to me! (^_^)

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